BrewDog Graduate Scheme 2013

BrewDog Graduate Scheme 2013

Around 12 months ago we employed three brand spanking new graduates to the BrewDog team. And now, we are looking to kick start the craft beer careers for two lucky people who will get permission to board the good ship BrewDog as protégés for James and for Martin. Details on applying are at the bottom of this page.

Career progression is not a linear thing at BrewDog, and as we continue to experience phenomenal growth the opportunities are endless! Let's take a quick look at last years graduates to see what they are upto 12 months on.

Tony - Beer Barron
tonypallets_620Tony first started in Logistics and Operations looking after our UK wholesale customers, but very quickly proved deft and was trusted with a bucket load more responsibility. After less than a year he now looks after all of our UK logistics operations. From ensuring our bars are always packed full of our latest and freshest beers, to managing transport for raw materials and orders for key customers, Tony is responsible for making sure our beer gets where it needs to be, fast! Oh, and he also organises merchandise and glassware purchasing, phew! What does he think?

"It’s been a great year and every day is different, you never know what challenges or tasks you’ll face next. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Zarah - Gatekeeperzarah_620Zarah came on board to help with marketing, events, our online shop and our Equity Punks. She’s the camera behind our #BrewPix and still helps out with events and the odd blog here and there but, for the most part, Zarah is now looking after BrewDog’s BrewDogs; she’s our human resources, internal comms and company culture manager. Even with all that on her plate she’s refused to give up the Equity Punks, seeing them as a pretty integral part of what BrewDog are all about.

“I absolutely love what I do because it gives me the opportunity to get to know everyone involved in all aspects of BrewDog. From our brewers to our warehousing crew, to the bar staff and our equity punks, it's an exciting place to be because we attract the best kind of people."

Nick - Universal Soldiernickz_620Nick bowled us over with his passion for hops and his mighty brewers utility belt - the kind Batman would have envied! He came on board as a brewer and quickly became involved with perfecting the way we brew things at BrewDog. He's a senior brewer, our process engineer and a bona fide mister fix it! His love of science and engineering is thoroughly indulged on a daily basis in our quest to improve efficiencies and the quality of our beers. Not to mention the fact that he gets to play on some pretty nifty new equipment - to the hop canon!

"I feel very fortunate to have been accepted into the team at Brewdog after my MSc – there aren’t many other breweries that are doing as many experimental things or operating as dynamically as we are. As a beer lover, I have to taste everything that leaves the brewery… it’s a damn good gig."

 jandmbar_620So, you think you've got what it takes to keep pace with James and Martin? As their graduates you will work closely with them on a variety of projects to help develop the business. Get you applications in by August 15th. We will be putting short listed candidates to the test at a group interview in Aberdeen, pulling out all the shots to determine the best people to help us continue to bring great craft beer to the people.

 crapbeer_620To apply to be James' protégé for a year, you need to:

Send an email to zarah(@)brewdog(.)com with "Graduate Scheme - James" in the title and your CV attached.

We're also asking for a 5 slide PowerPoint or PDF presentation, with:

1) Your 3 favourite brands (not BrewDog) and why.

2) A new beer concept, name and launch plan.

3) An idea on how to further engage our Equity Punk investor community.

4) A great location for a future BrewDog bar. And why.

5) A random idea (from you) that will help us grow our business. 

 beerdickie_620To apply to be Martin's protégé for a year, you need to:

Send an email to zarah(@)brewdog(.)com with "Graduate Scheme - Martin" in the title and your CV attached.

We're also asking for a 5 slide PowerPoint or PDF presentation, with:

1) Your 3 favourite hops. And why.

2) 3 things to pair beer with.

3) A recipe for a new, 7.5% IPA.

4) An idea for a new Abstrakt beer.

5) A random idea (from you) that will help us grow our business.

The deadline for submissions is 15/08/2013. Good luck!

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BrewDog Zarah 17.07.2013 @ 10:27am
Hi Dominic,We're looking to have the new BrewDog's working in the office by September, that would probably clash with studies so it would be best to apply next year when you're all done.
Dominic 16.07.2013 @ 11:14pm
Is this for new Graduates or can those entering their final year apply as well?
BrewDog Zarah 16.07.2013 @ 12:34pm
Hi,Adam - While it's called our 'Graduate Scheme' feel free to apply if you graduated a while back or haven't been to uni if you think you've got what it takes. We certainly wouldn't count anyone out simply because they lacked a degree.BrotherLogic - Pay is negotiable dependent on experience.Segtom - Feel free to apply from Belgium! So long as you're willing to relocate should you be successful :)
BrotherLogic 15.07.2013 @ 6:17pm
What's the pay for this?
segtom 15.07.2013 @ 2:29pm
if i would live there i would send an application to bad i live in Belgium
Adam W 15.07.2013 @ 1:52pm
Why are such schemes limited to graduates?
Pete H., Nottm 15.07.2013 @ 12:11pm
Wow - well done Tony, Zarah & Nick.I must check that my C.V. is up to date !!
Grahamf4 15.07.2013 @ 9:28am
What a killer awesome opportunity for an awesome applicant. Wow!
Interested 14.07.2013 @ 1:41pm
Will you accept applicants from overseas?
Dog punk 14.07.2013 @ 1:41pm
Really great to see the opportunities we're giving young people, and how far they've come in so little time. They should be very proud of themselves!