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A week has passed since our new citrus-packed American IPA Elvis Juice saw the light of day, launching on can in our bars and online shop. This week, Elvis arrives in style on draft across our UK Bars – launching at 6pm tomorrow, Friday 4th March.

And to celebrate, we are introducing the ultimate in contactless payments. Grapefruit Pay.

From 6pm tomorrow, you will be able to pay for your first 1/2 pint of Elvis Juice using the beer’s signature ingredient – simply head to your nearest UK BrewDog Bar wielding a grapefruit, and our Cicerone-trained barstaff will exchange for a half of our zesty, citrus IPA. We will collect all of the grapefruits and send them to Ellon to be ‘recycled’ into the next batch of Elvis Juice. You will be literally (Grapefruit) paying it forward!

For those thinking of making a night of it, we are rocking Grapefruit Pay only on Friday - and as a one-per-customer deal, so those arriving with a sackful will benefit only through a chance to increase their Vitamin C levels into the stratosphere when they get home. Also, we can’t give change, but feel free to leave any loose Satsumas in your pockets as a tip to our rock and roll bar crews!

So before you chop that grapefruit into a disappointing breakfast, or squeeze for a jolting morning treat, think instead that you can exchange it for a half-pint of a beer that dials fruitiness in on an epic (and far more rewarding) scale. As one-touch payment systems go, placing a grapefruit in the hands of a friendly BrewDog crewmember is about as easy as it gets. And besides, four out of five a day is near enough…

Elvis Juice launches on draft at 6pm tomorrow, Friday 4th March, across our network of UK Bars. Whether you wield a grapefruit or not – let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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Rosemary nosy equity punk 11.03.2016 @ 8:09pm
How many grapefruits did you get?
BrewDog Rich 10.03.2016 @ 11:19am
Big Enz - Sorry no - it was Friday night only!

Alex M - That's not a bad idea :)
BIG ENZ 10.03.2016 @ 10:45am
Only just came back into the country, is this still going?? :)
GjeeDawg 06.03.2016 @ 10:19pm
From A Great Tasting Prototype To The Real Deal... It's Got A Zing... It's Got Superb Citrus Taste & A Somewhat BitterSweet AfterKick... Elvis Is Most Definitely Alive & Kicking!!! The Juice Is Sweet!!!
Tamsin 06.03.2016 @ 12:45pm
This was brilliant and the beer was delish :)
Alex M. 04.03.2016 @ 10:15am
The first picture with the grapefruit and the Elvis Juice cans would make for quiet a nice poster. Are there any plans to sell some of the nice pictures as posters so we can have them at home?

many thanks
Bobby P 03.03.2016 @ 8:07pm
Had a can yesterday. Great stuff. Like Lilt for beer monsters.
anonymous 03.03.2016 @ 4:48pm
Cracking ????
anonymous 03.03.2016 @ 3:31pm
Dammit on early shift starting at 4am so I won't be able to participate in this great idea.
Great to see that Calvin hasn't aged a day since he headed south from the #flagship though. Still doesn't look a day older than 14!
Pete H 03.03.2016 @ 1:14pm
You guys ... Actually laughed out loud when I read this.
Loving the idea of putting the grapefruit in the hopinator. Can't get enough citrus flavour.

Tony (Beer) Barron bought me a can of Elvis Juice Grapefruit last week, but I still haven't tried it. Maybe this weekend ....

Now, where is the nearest grapefruit shop ?
Fraguk 03.03.2016 @ 12:52pm
As an equity punk, do I only need to present 95% of a grapefruit?
BrewDog Rich 03.03.2016 @ 11:56am
Scoot - We missed a trick not getting people to exchange hearts for Jet Black Heart...

Marcus FFF - Great idea!
Scoot 03.03.2016 @ 11:52am
This could be a good theme - just think of the future possibilities:

Bring in:-

A Dead Pony.
A Jet.
A Heart.
Some Chocolate.
A Punk.

I like it.
Mark 03.03.2016 @ 11:44am
I've never bought a grapefruit in my entire life but that might change in the near future
Marcus Fff 03.03.2016 @ 11:35am
Any chance of adding the fruit to the hopinator with Elvis juice inside?
Rex 03.03.2016 @ 11:27am
About time we had a grapefruit amnesty. Get them off the streets, I say